Friday, April 09, 2010

Job Hunt and Final Exam Countdown

Finally, I have time to do a personal update post. I feel like it's been a while.

New TOP 5 things to do list:

-Call Financial Aid and ask questions about leaving and coming back. (I've already done this once, but I want to ask everything again just in case. If anyone out there has any suggestions for things I should ask, then please comment and let me know!)
-Find a Job (I've already applied for 10 jobs. If I don't hear from any of them by next Wednesday I'll applying for more.)
-Create a Spec Ad for Angie at Skirt Magazine (This is for my internship supervisor. She wants to see what I can do, but I'm having a hard time finding time to sit down and make an ad for her.)
-Stop spending so much money. (I need to cut out everything unnecessary. Just need to spend money on food and things for school. Nothing else.)
-Finalize who's going to be in the apartment in Florida. (The apartment is essentially full, we're just waiting to hear back from some people.)

I've left out things related to school assignments (of which there are many) because I just wanted to focus on things that will affect my summer and the DCP. I've got a crazy amount of things to do for school right now. I've got 3 group projects to do, 3 huge single projects coming up, a ton of quizes and exams, and then after all of that...Finals.

Dum, dum, DUM!

But all in all I'm just trying to get through the semester because once the semester over I'll only have to wait three months before going to Disney. 12 weeks! YAY! Right now there are 16 weeks until I check in at Vista Way! Woo!

Also, I have 53 followers! *FIVE SECOND DANCE PARTY*


Awesome! I think I might record my next Vlog this weekend. It will be a normal average vlog. With my awesome intro. I'm going to read a few of my formspring questions from the last two Formspring Wednesdays, and talk about the make over my purple folder received (It was starting to fall apart so I had to save it.) See you guys this weekend!

Until next time, have a magical day!

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