Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Savings Update! :)

(54) days till Check in.
(50) days till I leave for Orlando
(4) days till Jonas LA
(2) days till Toy Story 3

Okay, so I'm still not registered for classes at ASU. They have two courses that are specifically intended for College Program Participants.We can be enrolled in them at ASU while in Disney and basically it's a way to have 6 semester hours of credit for doing the program. You're registered for two classes at App and then take 2 classes while you're at Disney so that you can earn whatever credits you need (for insurance purposes or, like me, to keep your loan grace period from starting). I talked to Sharon about registering for them and she told me to contact someone named Heidi so I could be added to the list. I contacted Heidi, and then contacted Sharon again (just in case).

That was the third week in May. Now it's June 16th and I'm still not registered. Sharon said it should have been done by the first week in June, and it still hasn't been done. I e-mailed her yesterday and I still haven't heard anything from her.

But I suspect I'll be hearing from her soon. Hopefully I'll have this taken care of in the next couple of weeks.

Alright, I got a paycheck on Monday. Time to update my savings totals.

Credit: $214.59
Savings: $122.75

So, still not stellar, but better than before. I also changed my percentages. Here are the new ones:

Credit: 55%
Savings: 30%
Me: 15%

Also! On an awesome random note, two of my friends brought me some awesome High School Musical cupcakes! Check them out! (There were 5, but I already ate the Troy cupcake. He was yummy.) ;)

That's all for now!

Until next time, have a magical day!

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