Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Happy Star Wars Day!


Yes, today is Star Wars Day, and May the 4th be with you! I'm a huge Star Wars fan! I'm specifically a Han Solo fan. Yes, young Harrison Ford as Han Solo just makes my little fangirl heart skip a beat. So, go watch Star Wars movies! Have a marathon! If I hadn't taken all my DVDs home already I'd have one as well.

Today is also MY LAST DAY OF EXAMS! Today I turn in my last college assignment (not counting the classes I'll be taking at Disney) until 2011! Be excited! I know I am!

Today is a busy day. I've got to take my books back (cross your fingers that I really did only rent 4 books because that's all I have), finish putting together a project, present said project, and finish shopping for my mom's Mother's Day present.

I've already gone out to get breakfast and shop for the first part of her present. Tomorrow my summer break starts and I'll have to take the job search to the extreme, but for today...MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU!

Until next time, have a magical day!

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